The fastest way to craft social media content.

Publish regularly thanks to bulk generation.
Anyone can build a community.

7-days free trial
No credit card required
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Done is better than perfect.

The end of time consuming social media content creation.

Select curated templates

From our large library or tailor-made by our designers. Don't worry about creativity, we provide that too 💪

Craft tons of posts in 1 click

Bulk image generation

Mix different templates with various content to generate an infinity of unique posts. Choose the best one afterwards.

Spreadsheet layout

Quickly copy, edit, delete and multiply drafts by editing rows

No design skills needed

Focus on the content

Auto-schedule posts

Schedule weeks of content in just a few clicks.

Best time to publish

Let us do the work

Thousands of engaging posts

at your fingertips

What our community says

Sacha D.

CMO at Julius & Julia - Paris

Posted enables me to schedule post in bulk on social media. I now need less than 1 day to make all the posts of a new clothing line. Too good!

John B.

Community Manager - Amsterdam

Thanks to Posted, I can create and schedule posts for several weeks, which allows me to manage multiple clients easily. I've never been as productive as I am today.

James R.

Co-Founder at 24Rise - Manchester

Posted helped me to craft hundreds of posts for testing the popularity of ideas on FB and IG. With Posted, I managed to grow a community of 16k entrepreneurs !

Are you serious about growing your community?

Enjoy a 7-days free trial. No credit card required.

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